The Arthurians

Arthur Pendragon
Camelot's Rightful King
The man of legend. The fair King Arthur. Known for his commitment to equality, and to the wellbeing of his people, during his reign, Excalibur was barely discussed.
The mythical sword was said to be returned after Arthur's final battle, as evidence of his death, but the kingdom mourned their king, not his prowess in battle.
Morgana Pendragon
Princess and Sorceress
Sharp-witted, with a cutting sense of humour, Morgana knew her worth from an early age. Seeking education from the Sorcerer Merlin, she learned great feats of power under his tutelage.
The Princess of Camelot was loyal to her brother, despite his occasionally dismissive nature, and she made it her business to show her support for his regency. Until the very end.

Sir Mordred
Knight of the Round Table
A quiet, brooding soul, Mordred was often overlooked among his peers. None the less, Arthur respected his opinions and treasured his company. Only when the rift between them grew too great did their friendship shatter.
Mordred was reported to have turned on Arthur during their final battle, only to fall to his so-called friend's legendary sword moments later.