


It is said that Avalon as an organisation goes back to the days of Uther Pendragon, the father of the legendary Arthur, and his sister, Morgana. In the early days, its purpose was to maintain order in the land of Avalon, when more familiar methods were insufficient. In those days, it was merely a council beholden to Uther, a position that passed to Arthur, and his knights after him.
When Avalon as a place was forgotten, the council, now far vaster than its founding years, carried on the name – perhaps a joke of Merlin’s. The society remained secretive, guarded closely by the inner circle, made up of descendants, Merlin himself, and a trusted few.
Over the years, it grew, evolved, until it hardly resembled Uther’s carefully cultivated task force. Now, Avalon maintains strongholds all across the country, with a few outposts dotted across international lands.
They watch for Fey activity, manage routine patrols in hotspots, and guard known gateways. Avalon is the last line of defence against war, and they have millennia of experience under their belts.
Which is why the fall of their Camelot Head Quarters took everyone by surprise.
It is a common misconception that Merlin is the head of Avalon. In fact, he serves as a consultant, and rarely gets involved in the day to day running of the organisation.
Instead, Avalon is led by a descendant of Gawain’s, a Knight by the name of Curt Grenwich. He has been heading up the organisation for almost 20 years, and is the final signature on all decisions made.
An assortment of folk sit on the board of decisions with Curt, most descendants, but one or two welcomed in from other walks of life. Each claims responsibility for a faction, all of which have a specific purpose within the organisation.
Within each faction is a General, overseeing several squads. These are structured depending on the faction’s requirements, and each looks a little different.
This is the team responsible for investigating suspected or reported breaches.
These shadowy folk monitor reports, and gather information from the Wilds.
In the aftermath of skirmishes and public outbreaks, this faction manages the fall-out, and cleans up swiftly to avoid further investigation from the wider community.
The Development team are constantly working on new, advanced technology and weaponry, for utilisation by the entire organisation.
This faction is responsible for seeking, vetting, and procuring carefully selected candidates, as well as managing HR disputes and concerns.
Secret Keepers
Embedded in a number of public domains, these agents fudge stories, bury reports, and contain rumours.
Once a sub-set of the Intelligence faction, this group are responsible for maintaining records and updating resources. This faction has the highest quotient of Fey-touched employees.
These busy individuals manage any Veil-dwellers that slip through the cracks, preferably before they’re able to cause damage.
The big guns. This faction is the largest of the nine, responsible for dealing with threats that cannot be contained or neutralised easily. These agents are soldiers, and adept at strong defence as well as offence.
NB: In previous years, other factions have been and gone, including defunct task force ‘Fey public relations’, which became ineffective some 50 years ago.