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Rules and Character Creation


Against the Verdant uses a heroic fighting system. You may deal no more than 1 point of damage per second, per location. Pull your blows.


Please note: while we operate a locational damage system, the head is not a viable location. That means you may target the chest, either leg, and either arm. Any hits to the head should be ignored, unless called shots are in effect during ranged combat. In these specific conditions, the head is considered an extension of the chest.


Anyone seen to be fighting in a way that is deemed dangerous will be given a warning. Any further behaviour will result in you being banned from combat for the rest of the event.


Stab-safe weapons are not permitted at Against the Verdant, and stabbing, jabbing, or thrusting is not allowed in combat. 


If, for any reason, you will be playing a non-combat character, find out more about non-com rules on our Safety info page.


To create your character, choose a lineage and a role, then select your skills accordingly.


Character creation guidelines:

  • Your character is human in origin. While your choice in lineage may vary, you cannot be full fey by blood

  • Historical figures can be represented, as long as they are not named characters in Arthurian legend

  • You are welcome to hold an entry-level position in the Avalon Initiative, but you should not claim to be a high-ranking agent

  • Any questions? Give us a shout


Lineages and roles





A polite name for a damaging gift, at some point, some Fey creature left their mark on you, and everyone thinks there’s a little something strange about you. 

Too Fey to live a normal life, too human to ever be accepted by the Fey Courts. 


Before the Verdant Wood breached the veil, glamours may have kept you hidden, if alienated. Now everyone can see you for what you are. 


Phys rep: depending on the nature of who or what affected or changed you, you need a visible physical attribute that must be something your character is incapable of hiding. Horns, Antlers, Feathers, wings, anything that marks you as something not quite human. This list is not exhaustive.


Lineage ability: Weakened Glamour

Though your small modicum of magic no longer behaves as intended, it works just enough to cloak you for a period of time. Twice a day for 30 seconds, you may turn invisible while still being able to move. Invisibility will drop when you become engaged in combat, this includes making an attack or being struck, whether magical, melee or ranged. (Standard Magic will not hit invisible targets, but magic made with MASS call will)



Known among the Fey as 'The void that walks', The Fey Courts have always believed that humanity was born with a hole in their hearts that needed to be guided and given purpose. 


Humanity took control of the physical plane known as the Green after pushing their oppressive Fey masters back into the Wilds. 


After the war of the Verdant Wood, Humanity has been scattered and beaten, but the iron in your blood still stands strong. 


Phys rep: None


Lineage ability: Wily

It’s not easy being human, destined to trudge through life with the hatred of the Fey on your shoulders. Take a Bonus Skill from The Generic Skills List, or any Skill marked (H) from a Roles list, for your troubles.


The Worthy

You are not the shambling undead of old legend, but you are also not entirely among the living now. Despite being put to rest, some more recently than others, magic has brought you back to the mortal realm, purpose in your veins, and fragmented memories of days long past crowding your mind.


There's plenty of discussion as to whether you’re the same person you were before your death, but you’re as driven by old oaths, codes, and loves as you were before, and it’s these drives that keep you going now, even as your physical form fails.


Phys rep: Undead features like that of a corpse or zombie, level of decay is entirely at your discretion, though the spells seems to have regenerated at least some of the flesh on your bones. Minimum of dark eye make-up and pallid skin.


Lineage ability: Driven by Purpose

Each Worthy starts with 3 Purposes that represent an oath, memory or driving factor in their service. At the moment a Worthy reaches 0 Hit Points, they may choose to expend one of their Purposes to restore Hit Points to full.


This should be appropriately roleplayed for 30 seconds, a loudly exclaimed prayer, the casting aside of a meaningful trinket. 


The purpose chosen by the player, and the loss of it from the character, should be roleplayed appropriately. 


Once expended, a Purpose is gone until restored by an in-game effect or mechanic.


Expending a purpose can work in one of two ways:

  • Raising your weapon hand into the air and disengaging from combat. You are immune to damage as you restore your full HP, but you may not re-engage in combat for the duration of your roleplay.


  • Diving into the fight. As long as you clearly announce your loss of purpose in some way (e.g ‘I sacrifice my purpose so I may fight on!’), your hit points will be instantly restored. You may continue fighting, but will also be able to take damage.




The Knight

You’re a warrior. A protector. A soldier. You fight to your last no matter what, if the cause is right. Diplomacy may not be your first plan, but you can utilise it masterfully when you need to. Leader or follower, you will do what you need to in order to win the battle. And you look really great in armour.


The Scholar

Let’s face it, you’d rather be ensconced in your cosy library with a good book. Dust tickles your nose, and the crisp edge of an old tome is your favourite thing. But all of that reading makes you knowledgeable, and what is knowledge if not power? You come when they call because what you know may make you indispensable. And who doesn’t want to save the world?


The Warper

There’s always been something a little… different about you. Your aura has shifted with ethereal magic for as long as you can remember. You may prefer quiet rituals to obnoxious spells, but whatever your specialty, it sets you apart from the crowds. Quick-witted and vibrating slightly with the arcane, they’re going to need a Warper like you to get through this.


The Ranger

Come out from the shadows; it’s your time to shine. You’ve got more life experience in your little finger than most will ever have, and it’s about to come in very handy. You’re handy with a bow, eagle-eyed, and maybe just a little bit sneaky. And when it comes to covert operations, you might be just what the Avalon Agent ordered.




Free skills


One-handed weapons

All characters can use one-handed weapons up to 42” long.


Note: stab-safe weapons are not permitted.


Throwable weapons

All characters can wield LARP-safe, coreless, throwable projectiles.


2 locational hit-points

Locations: Chest, Left Arm, Right Arm, Left Leg, Right Leg.


You lose use of any limb that is reduced to 0HP, until it is restored back to at least 1HP.


3-minute bleed count

If you are reduced to 0HP on the chest, your character will begin their bleed count. You can choose whether you fall unconcious or not, but you will no longer be able to engage in combat, nor make any significant movement. You are still able to verbally communicate if you so wish.


If your character is not healed or staunched within 3 minutes, they will die.


Staunch bleeding (For up to 5 minutes)

Staunching bleeding requires two hands on the bleeding character. To move someone while staunching them requires one individual to staunch and one to move them.


Performing any other skills or engaging in any form of combat, besides being hit, stops the staunch and the bleed count continues. Players can still take damage while staunching, and if the stauncher is dropped to zero, the action is interrupted.


After 5 minutes of staunching, the patient will begin bleeding again, and will need healing in order to stop their bleed count.


Repair items

Take 3 minutes to roleplay a makeshift repair of an item. This could be a damaged piece of locational armour, a broken weapon, or any non-magical/non-lammied item.


Hand-to-hand combat

Two characters may enter into hand-to-hand combat if mutually agreed, and overseen by a ref at all times. No physical contact may be made.



Theft of player items is not permitted at Against the Verdant. However, lammied items or game-provided resources may be stolen in-game.


Any physrep that is stolen must be handed in to a referee within 5 minutes. The ref will return the physrep to its owner, but will not inform them of who stole it. The item will IC still be in the thief’s possession and the thief will need to provide their own physrep for it.


Out of character theft is strictly prohibited. Any person who steals an item OOC will be asked to leave site and will be reported to the police.


Character skills

Choose 4, with at least 1 general, and 1 role-specific skill


General skills:


Extra health 

Take +1HP per location. This can be taken twice


Read Fey

The ability to translate Fey-coded messages and missives.


Increased bleed count

Your bleed count is now 5 minutes.


First aid

Take 30 seconds to roleplay healing a single location by 1HP. If the patient is bleeding out, a surgeon is required. 


Quick fix

Take 30 seconds to roleplay fixing an item. This includes damaged armour (as singular pieces or a whole set), broken weapons, or non-magical/non-lammied items.



You are ambidextrous! Lucky you. You can use two weapons at the same time, or you can use a weapon while spellcasting. You do not need this skill to use a shield while wielding a weapon (or casting a spell).


Lock picking

You can pick any lock. Certain locks may require a special tool that can be smithed by a Scholar.


Role-specific skills:


The Knight


Heavy armour (H)

+2AP (Armour Points) per location. Phys Rep required, no minimum weight or style, but must cover at least 50% of the location to count.


Melee and Ranged damage against the target will come off AP first, once AP is depleted the target will begin to take HP damage. Armour must be restored with an appropriate skill before it provides AP again.


Greater weapon (H)

You can wield two-handed weapons between 42" to 84" in length.


Note: stab-safe weapons are not permitted.


Shield (H)

You can use a shield up to 38 inches wide.



Create a 10ft radius safe discussion zone around yourself and a willing partner/adversary. This must be a mutually agreed conversation. Anyone conducting violence within or into this circle will cause serious adverse consequences for all parties​ involved. If Parley is broken in this way, the breaker and Parley leader (assuming they are different parties) must speak with a ref. Parley circles will naturally break down if conversation turns hostile. 


The Scholar


Smithing (H)

The Smith can utilise Aspects found in the environment to build items from a set list. Roleplay creating the chosen item for 5 minutes.


Note: you will need the assistance of someone with the ‘Collect Aspect’ skill to help gather materials.


Surgery (H)

Roleplay surgery for 30 seconds per location, or 2 minutes for a full-body heal. This will get the patient back up to full health, regardless of how many hit points they have. A surgeon can also perform surgery to repair cleaved/maimed locations, and is required for bleed-outs and traumatic wounds.


Once a surgeon begins treating a character, the bleed count halts.


Alchemy (H)

The alchemist can utilise reagents found in the environment to brew potions from a set list. Roleplay brewing the chosen potion for 5 minutes.


Note: you will need the assistance of someone with the ‘Scavenging’ skill to help gather materials. 


Identify Fey

Call ‘Fey, identify’. Any full fey being (Not Fey-Touched, who are still human) within hearing range will return a ‘ping!’ call, and raise a hand. Any concealed fey being in the vicinity will not be affected. You may also consult a ref if you believe that you may know more about the Fey in question…


The Warper



The ability to choose spells from the spells list and cast according to the individual spell’s rules.


Note: spellcasting requires concentration, so while you can roleplay spellslinging however you wish, you can only cast and fight with a melee weapon at the same time if you take the dual-wield skill.


Ritualist (H)

You can cast and maintain a ritual circle. A ref is required for any rituals you want to run. Please see Rituals for more information.


Collect Aspect (H)

You may search and gather items to be used for smithing. Talk to a scholar to see what can be made from your treasure.


Resist (H)

You may choose one of the following calls to resist once every 30 minutes:

  • Strikedown

  • Fear

  • Confuse

  • Disease


This skill can be purchased more than once, up to 4 times, to gain resistance to additional calls.


Note: once you’ve selected your resist call(s), that will be the only call you can resist. You can’t resist Strikedown in the morning, then Confuse later in the day, unless you have taken the appropriate amount of Resists. This rule still applies if you take Resist more than once.


The Ranger


Stealthy (H)

You may hide behind something and become unseen. Hold out or raise a fist in the air to indicate you aren’t visible. If you step into the open, you will become perceivable once again and should drop your hand.


Note: this skill is the ability to hide yourself, not to disappear entirely, so you must be at least partially concealed.



If you go unseen by a target for 30 seconds​, you may call Backstab. Using a melee weapon, your attack will deal 1 point of damage, and the target will take the Strikedown effect.


Scavenging (H)

You may search and gather reagents to be used for Alchemy. Talk to a scholar to see what can be made from your treasure.​


Bows use (H)

You have the ability to use a bow or crossbow. Night-time rules apply (do not shoot arrows or bolts at night, during high winds, or when it is raining; switch to called shots).


When using called shots, take at least 15 seconds between shots as reload time. Called shots will always hit the chest.


Note: if you choose to wield a crossbow or bow that is incapable of firing LARP-safe bolts or arrows, you may only use it in line with night-time rules, and when they are in effect. 


Bolts and arrows may not be parried, either by hard skill or IC skill.

Experience skills

For every event your character survives, you may select one new skill from this list. Each skill may only be chosen once.


Extra health

You gain an extra 1HP.


Iron skin

Take an additional 1HP. You may only select this skill if you've already taken Extra health.


Fae gold 

You recieve a token. Show this to a fey being, and they will be more willing to trade or negotiate with you.


Stitch in time

Take 10 seconds off your heal action. Works with all heal skills.


Bodge it

Take 10 seconds off your fix action. Works with all repair skills.


Wildcard ingredient 

If you’re missing a common reagent or aspect, no you aren’t. You may use this twice per day.



Once per hour, you can dodge a physical hit. Cannot be used against Backstab or mass calls.



Once per hour, you can dodge a physical hit, including ones you don’t see coming. You may dodge Backstab attacks, but mass calls still hit. You may only select this skill if you've already taken Dodge.


Master of the elements

Choose a second spell from the Elemental call list to add to your repertoire.


Speedy Alchemist

Take a minute off your alchemy brewing time. Potions now take 4 minutes to brew.


Speedy Smith

Take a minute off your crafting time. Items now take 4 minutes to craft.


Expert Alchemist

Reduce the time it takes to brew a potion to 2 minutes, 30 seconds. You may only select this skill if you've already taken Speedy Alchemist.


Expert Smith

Reduce the time it takes to craft an item to 2 minutes, 30 seconds. You may only select this skill if you've already taken Speedy Smith.




Alchemy list:

Common Alchemical Reagents:

Mistletoe Berries

Laurel Leaves

Mandrake Root


Thistle Flower


Panacea Potion

Cures the drinker's disease.

Dust of Repair

Repairs a shattered item instantly.

Immunity Infusion

Grants the drinker immunity to next flame/ice/lightning/rock ranged call. This lasts until either the effect is triggered, or the target sleeps.

Glamour Glitter

Disguises the drinker for 10 minutes.

Fortitude Formulae

Grants the drinker immunity to the next melee strike. Call 'No effect'. This lasts until either the effect is triggered, or the target sleeps.

Truth serum

The drinker will be unable to tell a lie for 10 minutes. (Must be overseen by a ref.)


Smithing list:

Common Smithing Aspects:

Echo of a Cat's Footfall

Mountain Roots

Scent of Petrichor

Clap of Thunder

The Skin of One's Teeth


De-Glamouring Goggles

The wearer can see invisible creatures.

Weapon of Wounding

The wielder gains the Cleave call once every 5 minutes.

Magical Lockpicks

The user can pick magical locks, provided they already have the lockpicking skill

Unbreakable Weapon

The wielder can call Immune to shatter.

Binding Circle

The wielder can bind a Fey being in place until the circle is broken (physically, or by wielder's choice). This circle must be drawn or placed on the ground, and must be big enough to contain the entity.


Improvised throwables

Guns may be on the blink, bombs may refuse to go off, but when it comes to warfare, nothing stops the material plane from blowing things up. To create a throwable, you'll need an alchemical recipe to be implemented by someone with the Smithing skill. That's right; you'll have to work together. Here's what you can make:



Throw your lammied item and call 'mass flame' to deal mass effect flame damage to those in a 5ft radius of your item.

Dry Ice

Throw your lammied item and call 'mass ice' to deal mass effect ice damage to those in a 5ft radius of your item.


Throw your lammied item and call 'mass lightning' to deal mass effect lightning damage to those in a 5ft radius of your item.


Note: if you are hit by a shatter call while holding a throwable, call 'mass [effect]' and take the item's damage.

Character skills
Role-specific skills
Experience skills

©2024 by Against the Verdant. Run in partnership with Legendary LARP.

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