Merlin: Sorcerer, Saviour
No one knows quite how old Merlin is, but he was at Arthur’s side throughout his reign, and Uther’s before him.
A quiet, unassuming man to those just making his acquaintance, Merlin never made a habit of showing off, and wasn't the sort to use his abilities recklessly. It is said he would spend days at a time cloistered in his preferred tower after advising his king on matters of the kingdom. Camelot staff would report the smell of burnt sugar wafting down the staircase, as well as unexpected, brightly coloured mists floating about the halls.

Those who witnessed Merlin’s workings were often awestruck, describing his magic as ‘miraculous’ and, according to one account, ‘heartbreakingly beautiful’.
Merlin was always known as the king’s loyal advisor, and as ages passed, this title shifted to the loyal warlock of Avalon. Those in need of guidance, magical or political, knew to go to him. Yet, outside of his famous allegiance to the kings of Camelot, Merlin has never been seen to seek company.
The only notable exception to this was Uther’s daughter, Morgana, said to be Merlin’s one and only apprentice. The pair would spend many hours in study together, and under his tutelage, Morgana was shaping up to be a fine young sorceress.
On hearing of her disappearance and apparent death, Merlin was said to be absent from the public eye for many months, though it is not known if this was due to the fall of the king, or the loss of his apprentice.
In current times, Merlin is an elusive and powerful figure, nowhere to be seen for weeks or months at a time, only to appear just when he is required. Some believe him to be in charge of the covert organisation known as Avalon, but most deny this.
Merlin was last seen working a dangerously powerful ritual to draw those deemed worthy back to the living realm, to help battle the deluge of fey beings spilling through the veil.
Those who have found themselves returned once more to this life, may have risen with the smell of burnt sugar tickling their senses.