Call List
Hit the ground, with your back to the floor, or go down to one knee and one hand if this is not possible or viable. Once the required body part touches the floor, the target is free to get back up, there is no minimum time frame.
You are repelled directly away from the caster for 15 feet, or until you come into contact with something solid that arrests your retreat.
Melee only – the targeted area is reduced to 0HP. Armour protects against Cleave, but will still take 1 damage.
Your feet are held in place for 15 seconds.
You are afflicted. Over the course of 5 minutes, you will begin to present with progressing, physical symptoms of illness. If you are not cured within 5 minutes, your bleed count will begin. At this point, you may be healed back to 1HP by a surgeon, but you will still be diseased. Your disease count will reset.
You’re disoriented and confused for the next 15 seconds. You won’t attack your target, but you may turn on your allies.
You are terrified, and you must get away from the source of this Fear at all costs. Retreat at least 15 feet, as fast as you are able, and roleplay extreme fear. This fear effect will last 15 seconds.
The targeted item is splintered into several pieces and cannot be used until repaired. If the item is an improvised throwable, it will go off, you will take the damage, and lose the item.
When inflicting melee damage with a specific lammied item, call Drain to take 1 point of healing.
If targeted with a Subdue call, you are knocked unconcious, but you are not bleeding out. Subdue has a chance of inflicting traumatic wounds.
The Backstab call inflicts the Strikedown effect, as well as 1 point of damage to the targeted location.
A Fatal call drops the target to zero on the impacted location and chest, through armour. The target is now on their bleed count.
If a target is hit by any call prefaced by Irresistable, this call may not be dodged, shrugged off, or otherwise ignored.
Elemental calls dealing 1 point of damage: