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Meddling with human bloodlines has never been the height of priority for the fey courts, but every now and then, a short tryst through the veil results in unexpected consequences.


Fairytales tell of human children secreted away — to be replaced by some squawling fey babe — and raised among the fair folk. But the truth may be darker. Those not-quite-fey, not-fully-human consequences need someplace to go.


It is a common misconception that a human child is stolen to make room for a changeling. Some families simply end up with a child they never knew they didn't have; some children wake up to a new sibling they recall knowing their whole lives.


Other changelings aren't as lucky, and find themselves deposited on the doorsteps of hospitals, churches, and other such public service buildings, to be discovered by bleary-eyed early morning employees.


Changelings possess both human and fey blood, but once deposited in the human world, their fey attributes are repressed, the human blood dominating. Most will never learn of their true ancestry… or they wouldn’t have, were it not for the creep of the Verdant Wood…

©2024 by Against the Verdant. Run in partnership with Legendary LARP.

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